The Moth Diaries

The Moth Diaries

Synopsis Sixteen-year-old Rebecca, haunted by her poet father’s suicide, records her intimate thoughts in a diary, most of them centered on her best friend and roommate Lucie. But when a dark and mysterious new girl, Ernessa, arrives at school, everyone’s world is...
The Moth Diaries

The Moth Diaries

THE MOTH DIARIES Synopsis Rébecca, âgée de 16 ans, est hantée par le suicide de son père, un poète.  Elle décide d’écrire un journal intime, dans lequel elle rapporte ses pensées sur sa meilleure amie et camarade de chambre Lucie. Mais l’arrivée d’Ernessa, une...
Magic Beyond Words: The J.K. Rowling Story

Magic Beyond Words: The J.K. Rowling Story

Summary Before she was a household name, author J.K. Rowling experienced a personal journey worthy of one of her books. Growing up in working class England, Rowling dreamed of becoming a writer but struggled with the harsh reality of finding a career that would keep...
Magic Beyond Words: The J.K. Rowling Story

Magic Beyond Words: The J.K. Rowling Story

Synopsis Avant de devenir une auteure connue, J.K. Rowling avait déjà vécu une vie personnelle digne  de l’un de ses romans. Originaire de la classe ouvrière anglaise, Rowling caressait le rêve de devenir écrivaine, tout en composant avec la dure réalité de devoir...


Summary In the aftermath of a bloody confrontation between her band, the Innu tribe, and the Inuits, the “men from the land of ice,” Maïna, daughter of Grand Chief Mishte-Napeu, finds herself on a mission that will change the course of her life. In order to fulfill a...